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An interview with: Emily Kell

In conversation with Boulder, Colorado (USA) based artist: @emilythefunkyprincess

"Emily's artwork takes root in ideals of sensuality, the transmutation of trauma, the resilience of the human spirit, and the fabric of myth and mystery. Through her paintings, Emily endeavors to explore the space between the worlds, and to bring liminal beings through and onto canvas. For the past decade, Emily has been painting people whom she has a personal connection to, in the hopes to reflect what she knows of their being through the lens of archetype. Emily shares much of her own personal experience of the human journey by way of her poetry, which is written throughout her paintings in a language of her creation. It is her hope that these pieces serve as windows into subconscious realms, and as places of cathartic reflection for the viewer." -

Read on below for our full interview...

Where are you from and how has your environment sculpted your outlook on life ? 

I am originally from Alexandria, Virginia. I grew up spending lots of time at a nature preserve in West Virginia and the connection that I felt with the natural world there has definitely informed my movement through life. I spent a lot of time in southern Georgia, in the beautiful marshes and trees, and in recent years have spent most of my time in a quiet neighborhood in the mountains, rich with natural beauty. As a person who is sensitive to sensory experiences, it has been such a blessing to have the opportunity to spend a chapter in this quiet space among clouds and trees. Each of my movements in life, have all strengthened my perspective that all living things are intrinsically connected and that living in tune with nature is helpful to healing.

When did you first start creating art and how long did it take you to develop your

signature style ?

I have been making art my entire life but I only fell in love with portraiture and figurative work in 2012. Since then, I’ve worked hard in developing the technical side of portrait painting and I’m also always trying to hone my voice and become a better visual story teller. Style, for me, is something that both develops and changes slowly over many years, as I spend lots of time in each new endeavor. I’ve always admired artists who’s work changes drastically over night but I think it is most important that you discover how your own creative mind works, and honor that process. Mine is slow and steady, and often I have more clarity on different seasons of creativity when I look back on them. The style I am currently working in has been something I’ve developed over the past 10 years. I’m excited to start working in new mediums and doing some exploration this year, we will see what comes forward!

Allegory Of Charity

What does spirituality mean to you ?

At this point in my life, spirituality has become a much more simple thing than it was in my younger years. Sure, there are all of the lofty and amazing heights that you can explore through perspective shifting medicines and practices, and those are so great, but what currently feels most solid, true, and dear to my heart these days, is that all living things are connected, that it is humbling and awesome to be a part of that web, and that you must seek to be kind to yourself and others, to practice self-awareness, and to honor this connection, in all things.

What are the key ideas and themes that inspire you the most and why ? 

Recently, I am most inspired by the resilience of the human spirit. I myself and many other great humans I know, have had many hard years behind us in recent times and I am inspired that love and connection persists even in times of great loss. I’m inspired by times of liminality and times of mystery, and by all of the love that endures.

Are there any artists / books that have had a strong impact on you ? 

Through the pandemic times, Isabel Allende has been so wonderful! She is a prolific story teller who touches on everything I love, from magic to the human condition, to the mother line, the mind, and the heart.

What lights the flame of passion inside of you ?

I love painting other people in a way that helps them see themselves in a new light! My biggest pay off for the work that I do comes when a painting I’ve made helps someone to feel seen, beautiful, and magical.

How was this past year for you ?

The past year has been the hardest of my life, with many challenges to my physical health and just a lot of loss and hardship. I’ve had a lot of lessons about grief, and about becoming aware of my deepest-held values and refocusing on what’s most important. For me, that’s the people that I love and it’s spending time in a way that honors both my body and my spirit. It has been a much slower year for art making but the art that I have made has been really special to me!

You can discover more of Emily Kell's art via her:


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